Add hierarchical lookup lists that can be used with an on-prem Meridian vault.

The existing hierarchical lookups are based on tables that exist in Portal and very bound to Cloud Business so not useable when Portal is bound to an on-prem vault. We like to have hierarchical lookup fields bound to data from the on-prem vault.
Maybe by populating the lookuplists based on existing values, but even beter by syncing the tables from the on-prem vault.

  • Hans van Koelen
  • Aug 5 2021
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Admin
      Richard Waaijer commented
      January 26, 2023 12:45

      Hi Hans,

      we have now the possibility to create custom look up lists, and the feature toggle available for populating them from Powerweb. would this fulfill this request?

      Create missing lookup values when document is sent from Meridian

      When project copies or documents are sent from PowerWeb to Portal with properties that do not exist in Portal, the properties will be added to the appropriate lookup list.