MERIDIAN translation problems when switching from one language to another the software

At first, we installed the English version of MERIDIAN. Then we switched to the French version of MERIDIAN. From one version to another in English and French, MERIDIAN has trouble translate certain terms. Example : Released or "Diffusé" or issued. Instead of a single state of the document in French version of MERIDIAN, we have three. See the possibility to correct this problem. This generates exceptions to have to deal with in the script.

  • Thierry MARCENY
  • Apr 28 2022
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Rudi Pieters commented
    May 20, 2022 07:04

    Hi Thierry, I assume you are referring to the Single Document Workflow.
    To check the status of a document in such a workflow, use an expression like Document.WorkFlowState = AS_WF_RELEASED in script.