"Open" Dialog from BlueCielo link doesn't filter the extension as expected using the "Files of Type" combobox

Submitted by Juliano Correa on behalf of Daniel Hunziker

Change Description:
As you can see from MPS-16424

When you attach a file on Autocad, if you select a extension using the "Files of Type" combobox, it will not work as expected.

The "All image files" filter shows documents as well, and the "all DGN files" shows . too.

Please refer to these evidences, and to this video (https://accruentatlas-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/juliano_correa_accruent_com/ERMGs--I18hPm2CB8zdL9dkB1UGW4itPluLjezp_D_-Idg?e=FOL8du) , reproducing it and explaining in details.

Steps to Reproduce
1 - Open Autocad
2 - Click attach
3 - Select the vault link
4 - Filter on the bottom combobox, "All image files"
5 - You will see document extensions, this is not expected
6 - Select "All DGN files", this will show . , this is not expected

Expected Result:
1 - "All image files" should show only images, not documents
2 - "All DGN Files" should show only DGN's, not .

Please evaluate and let me know if this is something that could be changed.
  • Daniel Hunziker
  • Mar 19 2019
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Chris Tsangarides commented
    March 25, 2019 13:46

    Legacy ID: MER-I-239

    Idea created at: 2019-Feb-08

    Referenced customer:


  • +2