Dear, good afternoon Please look into the option of only showing the "+" sign in the file upload when you have an attachment. Currently it is by default to show this signal for all documents, thus confusing which documents have an attachment or not. This applies to Power User. Grateful for the attention.

Por que é útil, quem se beneficiaria com isso, como deve funcionar?

It would be helpful not to confuse documents that have attachment, the benefit would be huge for users.
Only the "+" symbol appears when you have an attachment in the document.

  • Guest
  • Dec 26 2019
  • Will not implement
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Rudi Pieters commented
    May 06, 2021 09:06

    The problem with this is that it is a performance killer, as we need to query the database for each document to determine if it has attachments.