As a Meridian user, I would like to send documents to Portal before syncing to Explorer without errors

Submitted by Juliano Correa on behalf of Ronald Kock

Change Description:
Once a new document is created in Meridian and is sent to Portal (while is does not exist in te Explorer database yet, I would like to have it added to the queue without this error:


1. 252005-00-0000.dwg failed.

mscorlib: The document that you are trying to add doesn't exist in the Explorer repository. It might not have been synchronized yet. Try again later or contact a system administrator. Unknown error 0x80131501 The operation has been completed. Succeeded: 0, failed: 1.


Expected Result:
Meridian should be able to add the documents to the send to Portal queue and process them after syncing to Explorer automatically.

  • Ronald Kock
  • May 8 2020
  • Shipped
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Admin
      Rudi Pieters commented
      July 29, 2020 11:03

      With Meridian 2020 R2 all syncing should be done automatically in the background, also for documents which were never synced to Explorer before