Adding Smartsketch .igr files in the system to be compatible for source view and/or at least rendition view

I have several Smartsketch igr files imported in Meridian as engineering drawings, but I cannot view the source files or rendition. Can they at least be rendered to Autoview?


Hi Paul, Thank you for contacting Accruent Meridian Support. I believe there's no way to view these SmartSketch .igr files in their native format in Meridian, unless you can configure the SmartSketch itself as 3rd party viewer, like e.g. you can do with TrueView. Have you tried that out ? Even I did not see it directly on the supported third-party viewers list in our documentation, I guess it could be possible it's working if it's with Active-x control. Also, the rendering with AutoVue does not have the .igr format displayed on the available output formats unfortunately. Kind regards Mika Kettunen


I expected that I could view these files in Meridian when I started the implementation with Accruent, but unfortunately I am wrong as I now have the evidence. This should be a good new idea you might want to add to the new Meridian version and an update for older versions e.g. 2018R2.

  • Paul von Burg
  • Mar 18 2021
  • Will not implement
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Admin
      Rudi Pieters commented
      March 22, 2021 16:50

      Hi Paul, I reviewed AutoVue and Autodesk Forge but neither can view Smartsketch. So they only option I see is to use Smartsketch itself to generate PDFs to view with PDFTron. This may be possible with a custom render engine.