Improve the user interface of portal

The user interface of portal looks if somebody tested it with only a handfull of documents and it seems that the property values tested with are rather than short.


Property values longer than n characters are only shown with few characters. So its more or less a guess which documents to select.

Columns are not sortable

All user actions like add to clipboard, edit metadata, download documents, download metadata, etc. are only for the list of documents that is currently shown to the user. The max amount is 20 items.

In the clipboard it is only possible to go to next page not to the last page.

In the clip board the user is not aware how many pages do exist. For 200 documents the user has to click 11 times to figure out that there are ten pages.

New documents must be uploaded first, then it is possible to download a spreadsheet that contains the internal doc id of the portal to identify the document. Nobody works that way.


Make the columns sizeable and store the column with per user.

Make the columns sortable

Make the portal able to handle more than 20 documents in user actions

Show a proper page info, counting with the option jump to last page or to page n.

Add an option to identify the documents by a file name property to upload documents already with metadata in a spreadsheet.

Add an option to import packages.

  • Frank Moenkemeyer
  • May 7 2020
  • Shipped
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Admin
      Richard Waaijer commented
      February 22, 2021 11:28

      Above will now be released as part of our 2020 Q4 release.

    • Admin
      Richard Waaijer commented
      August 12, 2020 14:22

      Please note that the following items have been developed and will be released soon. Stay tuned for upcoming release communication.

      • Adjust column width (not per user, but on tenant level)

      • Use the filename iso Item ID in the CSV file for matching metadata

      Sorting of columns is currently being developed for our q3 release.

      Portal page issues are currently being refined for prioritisation. Feel free to contact me for additional feedback.

      Best regards,

      Richard Waaijer

    • Admin
      Richard Waaijer commented
      June 11, 2020 10:52

      Hi Frank, thank you for your input. Please note FYI that we have prioritized the following items on our road map for development:

      Adjust column width (not per user, but on tenant level)

      Use the filename iso Item ID in the CSV file for matching metadata

      Sorting of columns in the following locations:

      • Documents page

      • Clipboard

      • Review packages page

      • Review Package details page (new app)

      • Packages page

      • Approval Package details page

      We will keep you posted on delivery on these and other enhancements through our quarterly release communication.

      Happy to discuss the other mentioned topics in a call as these would need further refinement.

      Best regards,

      Richard Waaijer

    • Valerie St-Georges commented
      June 10, 2020 12:41

      All of this is true. The only other thing I would add is the Download button is not working well. I need to press downlaod five time before the download starts.