URL link to open viewer with editable comments

The customer would like to have a URL link to a document in Explorer that opens in the viewer and allows for the editing of comments. In the Admin guide https://documentation.bluecieloecm.com/BCWebHelp/en/es/2019/ag/Content/Explorer/Composing%20view%20URLs.htm?Highlight=comments=true It displays the COMMENTS=True query parameter is used, it brings up the viewer and comments however the comments are in a read-only mode. If you replace the COMMENTS=True with CONTENT=True, it brings up the viewer with no comments however allows you to create a redline. The only way I have found to open the comments in edit mode is via the comments shortcut in the interface. It would be handy to have a URL parameter that we can use to send a URL to the browser and open the viewer with the comments in an editable state.

  • Marco Russian
  • Jun 17 2019
  • Planned
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Jeremy Laurin commented
      August 24, 2020 21:06

      following up on this... this will be very useful. ie: notification that someone commented on a a drawing with a link that goes to the comment, whereby someone could view and or edit the comment or create their own without having to go back and re-find the document to do so... they are already at the viewing page. why not be able to comment???

    • Jeremy Laurin commented
      May 21, 2020 23:27

      idea seconded! it would be great if a notification that a user made a markup/comment and an email notification is generated with a link to the viewer showing the actual comment in question and the ability to edit it. this would help with workflowing comments properly to the engineering and or drafting team.

    • Chris Tsangarides commented
      October 18, 2019 20:08

      Thank you for the suggestion.

      This idea is being considered for a future release. Stay tuned for updates.

      Chris Tsangarides
      Product Manager

    • Jeremy Laurin commented
      August 03, 2019 05:29

      I'd like that function too :)

    • Chris Tsangarides commented
      July 16, 2019 18:14

      Thank you for the additional information.

      Development is currently reviewing your idea. Stay tuned for updates.

      Chris Tsangarides
      Product Manager

    • Marco Russian commented
      July 09, 2019 02:12

      Hi Chris


      The customer who wants this ability is very similar to your example. They have field staff that will have access to links to the documents and would prefer them to go straight to the viewer instead of having to click through from the details page but would also like them to have the ability to add comments/markups at the same time.

    • Chris Tsangarides commented
      July 08, 2019 20:49

      Thank you for your suggestion.

      Can you help me understand how this is intended to be used?

      You are correct about the COMMENTS=True. That parameter is intended to be used from the Meridian PowerWeb Client so that designers/engineers can see (in read-only mode) the comments made by maintenance/operations.

      Can you tell me a little bit about the reasons that prompted this suggestion?

      For example, is the intent to launch this URL from another application, such as a CMMS, to allow users to comment on related documents?

      Chris Tsangarides
      Product Manager