Improve Metadata Import when creating Explorer Repositories

Some improvements are needed to the import metadata process when creating or modifying the metadata of an Explorer Repository.

  1. After getting the metadata from a Meridian repository, administrators go through a process of selecting which of the metadata properties they would like to import. In some cases those properties get new displaynames or data types. If you are working large lists of properties and you change a data type or display name it refreshes the list and moves the user back to the top of the list. You have to go back down and find where you are. This is time consuming and pretty frustrating when you have a lot to do.

  2. There's no great way to select all for a section of properties. We should be able to do this by property set such as the custom property set.

  3. Depending on the order you change values, displayname first then data type OR data type first then displayname (not sure which), it will seem to cause the data type to change back to a string property if you had for example changed it to a keyword.

  • Don Hodges
  • Aug 11 2021
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
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    • Mikka Roessler commented
      August 11, 2021 12:40

      Agreed. Item #1 consumes a huge amount of time scrolling back to where you were and #2 there is no way to select a group of propertes and act on them as a whole.