Report for import Packages

Hi Team,

Currently the only way that users have to check the results of a import via Import Packages is by using the UI and checking the "Documents" tab. There, they can see the imported documents and the failures.


However, there is no feature to export these results to a report which would allow the users to filter the fails, check the failures reason, fix the documents data in a new spreadsheet and re-import them. This is very important and usefull specially when talking about massive loads like legacy imports or system 1st loads.


Besides, if the Import Packages tool is the replacement for all other import tools that exists in the On Premises solution, then this report is basically a "must have".


Please evaluate and consider to develop this report in the earliest possible version.

And in addition, please evaluate its backport to (at least) the currently supported versions.


For your attention and understanding, I thank you upfront.

  • Rodrigo Deckmann
  • Oct 11 2019
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Manny Yu commented
      February 01, 2023 16:11
    • Admin
      Coen Vromans commented
      June 16, 2021 09:56

      Similar request from Delamine

    • Admin
      Rudi Pieters commented
      May 06, 2021 10:11

      Planned for Meridian 2022

    • Admin
      Arjen Bos commented
      June 25, 2020 13:04

      Similar request from BuckEye.

      The ability to export the Scan log and the Import log to an XLS or CSV file.