Multiple selection

It would be nice to be able to select multiple document at the same time with the Shift button instead of having to click each checkbox.

  • Valerie St-Georges
  • Apr 23 2020
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Admin
      Richard Waaijer commented
      December 03, 2021 17:07

      Dear Jennifer, could you please describe the use case?

      Thank you,

      Richard Waaijer

    • Admin
      Richard Waaijer commented
      December 03, 2021 17:04

      Dear Valerie, is this request still valid? For the use case delete documents of rejected packages it is not needed. Inside rejected package we have only option to remove documents from that package. But it is not needed to remove documents and then add to package again. They can direct start uploading the changed documents.

    • Jennifer Sample commented
      February 05, 2021 17:12

      I know of quite a few customers that would like this feature to be available.

    • Valerie St-Georges commented
      January 14, 2021 19:34

      This is a very long process when contractors needs to delete documents for a rejected package, they need to delete one at a time.