Change ModifiedBy same as Modified Date

It is possible to modify the modified date in Meridian using the SetModified function in the script.

It is not possible to change the ModifiedBy this is a read-only property.

It is strange that when changing the date, the ModifiedBy cannot be changed. This gives strange results because the date when modified is then not always executed by the person stored in the modified field

So it would be a good solution when the SetModified function is used also the modified property can be changed.

  • Robin Clabbers
  • Nov 24 2022
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Admin
      Rudi Pieters commented
      December 07, 2022 08:28

      There is a way to do this now with this script: Document.Property ("AMFSObjectPropertySet._MODIFIEDBY") = "Test"
      The property needs to be added to the SafeProperties.
      It only works if the document is in workflow, there is no way around this.