Add a friendly message to users about having to lock the file

We have it noticed the below behavior in Meridian Cloud which is a standard behavior, but a friendly message to teh users would be helpful.

When I follow these steps, Meridian gives me an error that says the file is "read only" and will not allow me to release the quick change.

The user needs to lock the file again to be able to release it.

1. Quick change from workflow.

2. Replace content, from edit, select and upload. (Friendly message says that the user needs to Unlock the file first)

2. Unlock document, under document.

3. Replace content, from edit, select and upload.

4. Release quick change from workflow .(Error message says that the file is read only, and here is where we think that a friendly message to the user should say that he needs to lock the file again to be able to continue the operation)


  • Guest
  • Apr 29 2020
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Vesa Peltonen commented
      July 22, 2020 09:22

      This idea presents an improvement to a problem which should not exist. I vote for this because it would be better to get the message compared to current situation.

      Better fix would be to improvr the replace conetent functionaluty so that it will just replace the content unless the file is locked to some other user or other computer. After replace the file should be left in the same condition as it was before replace. Locked if it was locked and unlocked if it was unlocked before. This should of course honor the profile setting of "LockOnCheckout".