Option to update rendition of previous version

Current meridian version is using PDFTRON to compare revisions of a document, but when PDF generation parameters of current version is different from previous version, it may be that itcompare will fail.

Solution maybe be add possibility of update previous versions PDF, so they will be generate using same parameters (model or layout, page size, color or mono, render using autovue or theiga, etc) and the compare tool will have a better change to work.

It actually may create a new problem for old revisions with visual comments, because if we change the page size for instance, comments will be moved and will no longer reflect the original visual position.

  • Guest
  • Jul 18 2019
  • Future consideration
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    • Jeremy Laurin commented
      December 22, 2020 16:34

      this would also be useful where some vaults (like my own) have files with revision history that were migrated to Meridian that do not have a rendition attached. In the explorer, users see "no rendition attached" if trying to locate past revisions.

    • Admin
      Rudi Pieters commented
      January 20, 2020 06:59

      We may add this in another way, giving the user the same functionality but without changing history in the Vault.

    • Chris Tsangarides commented
      September 13, 2019 17:51

      Thank you again for the suggestion and additional comments.

      Maintaining the integrity of historical records and document is critical in Meridian. The request to alter the rendition of a previous / historical revision is not possible within the normal working Meridian.

      Chris Tsangarides
      Product Manager

    • Guest commented
      July 23, 2019 11:38

      2 print screen to illustrate the problem. 1 was when the first PDF size of old revision was set to A4 but the new version was set to A0, compare doesn`t work. To be able to make compare work, It was necessary to set the new version to A4 again and then it works.

    • Guest commented
      July 19, 2019 07:22


      We have customer generating PDF from years now but compare using PDF is was recently implemented. It means I have already lots of "old revision" PDFs and in many cases I can`t just use compare because pdf settings was different.

      DemoCloud itself used to generate PDF from Theiga and now it uses AutoVUE. Compare doesn't work and there is no script or strategy that could solve that .

      I think a final solution would be the possibility of, when user click button compare, system first generate a temp PDF from old revision (with current configuration) and use this temp PDF to compare. If user select to comapre 2 old revision, system would have to create 2 temp PDFs. This way we can use the compare tool without causing problem in the old revision comments.

      BTW the is no "update prior revision PDF" functionality, maybe you are referring to "Update prior revision watermark" which doesn't help much here. 

    • Chris Tsangarides commented
      July 18, 2019 20:42

      Thank you for your suggestion.

      I see your point about renditions of a new revision being created with different settings would cause issues.

      A possible way to prevent this is with the following two steps:

      1. Enable the option to update the rendition on the Prior Reivision, as you suggest.

      2. Implement a step in the the "BeforeReleaseToMaster' event to verify that the settings in the Rendition page have not changed. If they have changed, either notify the user and cancel the process or update the Rendition parameters and let the release process continue.

      Would this accomplish what you had in mind?

      Chris Tsangarides
      Product Manager