New idea
Jun 17 2024
Needs review
Meridian Mobile
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Related ideas
Ability to swipe left and right when viewing a rendition to view the previous or next file rendition.
When connecting to a Meridian site with Meridian mobile and the EDM server has the 7 days, without access block the Meridian mobile app crashes without an error, It would make it more user-friendly to have a message popup to the mobile user stating why they cannot connect instead of just crashing the app.
Create document and add picture
As a Mobile user I want to add photo's and comments to a job order
Direct show the related documents when scanning an Asset code
Searching should be possible also with logical AND arguments where it is now only OR
To add comments/redlines and attach a photo to a drawing while in offline mode
Fire AIMS_* events from Mobile client
Improve UI
Add username to the Meridian Mobile log.txt file