View all project copies and users in a single view.

Being able to view the Audit trail by users allows us to be alerted to a requests that a person maybe making to multiple users. This allows us to communicate that we are working on the same file or request. It also alerts us that other maybe using that file for a different project and triggers a communication.

  • Guest
  • May 30 2024
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    May 31, 2024 14:29

    not enough information in this view. I can't see the total history of this file. Audit in the document properties shows more actions where done than what your example shows. Need the complete information on the history of this file and have it display, maybe another tab in properties.

  • Admin
    Coen Vromans commented
    May 31, 2024 14:10

    Hello Bryan,

    Meridian PowerWeb has standard functionality to discover which users are working on the same document in different projects. From the Master document you can navigate to the related Project Copies and have a single view across all projects and all users.

    The Meridian Workflow allows you to request multiple users to review and comment on a particular version. You can also share the URL of the document in your communication with other users.