Cascading properties related to project phases and themes (DNR-FEL-etc)

Customers often use project documentation frameworks like DNR, FEL and other companybased documentation frameworks within projects. For this it would be nice to have extra cascading properties (like location and functional) but then with a reference to the projectcopies in a project. This could be supported with a set of views.

The existing location and functional property construct is allready in use wit these customers and they urge to have this extra properties.

  • Project

    • Projectphase

      • DNR Theme

        • Classification


  • Project

    • FEL stage

      • FEL assignee

        • FEL documenttype

  • Guest
  • May 13 2020
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Admin
      Arjen Bos commented
      May 27, 2020 13:10

      Project breakdown is something we are correctly considering for Portal in the future.