As a Portal admin, I expect the command "Export Metadata" exports only the properties associated to a document type

Submitted by Juliano Correa on behalf of Frank Monkemeyer


-- Issue Description
Partner realized that, when you configure the properties used by a document type in portal, even the not selected properties are exported when you run the command "Export Metadata" from clipboard. Their understanding is, if you do not associate a property to a document type, this property shouldn't be exported with the metadata command.

-- Steps to Reproduce
0 - Create a new Custom property (I created the property "DNSTP")
1 - Remove all optional properties from a document type (I used Facility)
2 - Create a new facility document
3 - Add some content to the created property
4 - Add this new document to the clipboard
5 - Export metadata
6 - Check the xlsx and see the property "DNSTP" exported (in attachment)

-- Expected Result
Partner and customer understanding is that, disabled properties of a document type shouldn't be exported when running the command "Export Metadata"
Refer to the video attached.

  • Frank Moenkemeyer
  • Oct 28 2019
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload