Avoid sending packages to Meridian Server when the projects are not connected or show a clear waring in Meridian Server

Avoid sending packages to meridian when the projects are not connected or show the packages in the meridian packages section as failure. Currently in Portal the packages a send without an notice an it is not possible to trace them.

In Meridian the incomming packages, taht can not be assigned to any project

  • Frank Moenkemeyer
  • May 7 2020
  • Shipped
  • Attach files
  • Valerie St-Georges commented
    10 Feb, 2021 06:02pm

    Can you also add a notification when there is an error?

  • Admin
    Richard Waaijer commented
    10 Feb, 2021 02:58pm

    Hi Frank, pleased to share that we implemented a check on linked projects. When a project is not linked to meridian Power, the option to send to Meridian is disabled.