Be more open with product issues and resolutions, update the KB more frequently

It would be extremely useful if BlueCielo would be more open with issues raised and the resolution of those issues.

Sharing the knowledge with the partners allows us to do our jobs better and waste less time troubleshooting bugs that have already been raised and resolved by someone else.

The KB could be utilised to pass on this information. It could also be used for sharing useful tips, tricks, FAQ, etc. etc. on various product releases, especially for information that hasn't made it into the official documentation.
  • Aaron Swain
  • Mar 19 2019
  • Future consideration
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    • Aaron Swain commented
      September 14, 2020 03:34

      We've had two more Meridian 2020 R2 "known issues" waste our time. Can we please get something done about this??

    • Aaron Swain commented
      September 01, 2020 23:11

      I have had my first Meridian 2020 R2 known issue, MPS-30106. We wasted hours investigating this. This is incredibly frustrating.

    • Aaron Swain commented
      August 10, 2020 05:06

      Can I please get a list of known unresolved issues in Meridian versions 2018-2020R2?

    • Aaron Swain commented
      March 13, 2020 10:56

      Today I spent 5 hours troubleshooting an error in M2020. I created a support case and apparently it's a known issue. Can you please share known issues with us so we don't have to waste time. This has been a pain for us for years.

    • Patrik Chabot commented
      August 28, 2019 14:16

      As a customer, it would be nice if we could search the tickets too.  Often I could find the answer myself instead of having to explain to our resseller (it is a waste of time and money).  Initial search can be done by client (if the client wishes to).

    • Chris Tsangarides commented
      July 19, 2019 21:42

      Thank you again for sharing your suggestion. After speaking withour Documentation team, I have learned a few things.

      The Knowledge Base contains several items, such as How-Tos, Updates and Known Issues. The first two types of articles are categorized, and all other articles are essentially Known Issues. These may describe a known limitation without a workaround, or with a workaround or with a permanent fix.

      In addition, we are migrating the Knowledge Base articles to our Support system. This will provide two benefits; you’ll be able to access both the Support tools and Knowledge Base articles in the same location. In addition, as you type a description for Support, a dynamic search will show suggested Knowledge Base articles that may address the issue being described.

      Chris Tsangarides
      Product Manager

    • Chris Tsangarides commented
      July 16, 2019 15:57

      Thank you for sharing your concerns. I understand that better access to known issues would help you utilize your time better.

      I have shared your concerns with both our Documentation team and Support team.

      Chris Tsangarides
      Product Manager

    • Aaron Swain commented
      June 19, 2019 23:34

      Hi Chris,

      It's good to see the KB being updated more regularly.

      However, the main problem I was trying to describe and give examples for, is that often there is an issue that Accruent Support/R&D are aware of, but hasn't been fixed yet, but we don't have access to this information and as a result, we can spend hours investigating something that is essentially a waste of time. If information was more open between Accruent Support/R&D and us, and for example we had the ability to search Accruent Support/R&D's internal issue tracker (at least searching for issue titles/descriptions) then we would be able to see what issues are known to Accruent Support/R&D before wasting time doing our own investigation.


      Here are some examples:

      1) PowerWeb may suffer reduced performance when there's no Enterprise Server.

      2) Meridian 2018 EDM Server service is set to "Manual" run type by default, which I was told is a product bug that won't be fixed for some reason.

      3) PowerWeb "Find" dialog breaks when searching with properties that aren't lookups. MRE-4982 addresses this.

      4) PowerWeb error "The action cannot be completed now as it is blocked by another session '{service account}'. Please try it later".

      5) When you have a static collection set as your current view and right click on the name it results in an error "Unable to get property 'offsetwidth' of undefined or null reference". You then have to close and open the vault.

      6) I spent time trying to get thumbnail generation working in PowerWeb but it turns out the functionality doesn't work. The defects were addressed in MRS-274 and MRS-272 and has been resolved in Meridian 2019.


      The above were all "known issues" at the time I created support cases for them. But before creating support cases with Accruent, I'd already spent a significant number of hours investigating the various issues. If we had access to Accruent's internal issue tracker, I could have used my time more efficiently by searching the issue tracker and seeing that these were already "known issues" instead of spending significant hours doing my own investigation.


      Many thanks,


    • Chris Tsangarides commented
      June 12, 2019 15:21

      Hello Aaron,

      A full listing of issues that have been addressed in every release of Meridian is available in the Release Notes. In addition, new functionality and enhancements are described.

      Documentation site:

      The Release Notes are available for each release. This link is for the 2019 release:'s%20New%20in%20Meridian%202019.htm

      Chris Tsangarides
      Product Manager

    • Chris Tsangarides commented
      March 22, 2019 17:35

      Legacy ID: MER-I-42

      Idea created at: 2018-Mar-08

      Referenced customer:


      Rudi Pieters Mar 13, 2018 We strive to share all relevant information in the KB. Please point me to omissions.

      Aaron Swain Jun 11, 2018 Hi Rudi, Apologies for the delayed reply, I forgot about the Ideas section. I've had this occur quite a few times over the last few years but two very recent examples are: 1) PowerWeb may suffer reduced performance when there's no Enterprise Server. I don't think is on the KB yet. 2) Meridian 2018 EDM Server service is set to "Manual" run type by default, which I was told is a product bug that won't be fixed for some reason. Apparently this had already been raised as a support ticket but there was no KB article or documentation on it, so I requested this be added to the KB and documentation (and it was). I could find more examples if you like but searching through old tickets can be a little difficult. Let me know if you'd like any other info. Cheers,

      Aaron Aaron Swain Jun 26, 2018 Hi Rudi, I have a couple more examples from my recent support tickets: 3) PowerWeb "Find" dialog breaks when searching with properties that aren't lookups. MRE-4982 addresses this. Apparently it's a known issue and a fix is already available for M2017. I had to spend time investigating it, reproducing it, logging a support ticket, and creating a met file for support to reproduce it. 4) PowerWeb error "The action cannot be completed now as it is blocked by another session '{service account}'. Please try it later". No mention of this in the documentation or KB, but again I had to create a support ticket before I was told this is a known issue. Thanks! Aaron

      Aaron Swain Jun 26, 2018 Hi Rudi, Another one from a recent support ticket: 5) When you have a static collection set as your current view and right click on the name it results in an error "Unable to get property 'offsetwidth' of undefined or null reference". You then have to close and open the vault. This was a known issue, MRE-5530, but we have no visibility on this. Regards, Aaron

      Aaron Swain Aug 23, 2018 Hi Rudi, Two more from a recent support ticket: 6) I spent time trying to get thumbnail generation working in PowerWeb but it turns out the functionality doesn't work. The defects were addressed in MRS-274 and MRS-272 and has been resolved in Meridian 2019. I wouldn't have needed to spend time on it if I could already see that the functionality didn't work in Meridian 2017.

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