Explorer and Meridian seaches : Ability to replace the existing dropdown values of a search with fixed lookup values

We have properties in Meridian that are populated as multivalue fields. The content of these fields will contain any combination of value that exist for this property separated by semicolons. Unfortunately, dropdown values in searches will not present the unique values of the field and will make it very hard for users to pick the right value.

If we could configure the explorer dowpdown values to a fixed list of value instead of the existing values, this would make their content searches much more efficient.
  • Patrick Charron
  • Mar 19 2019
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
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    • Chris Tsangarides commented
      March 25, 2019 17:54

      Legacy ID: MER-I-12

      Idea created at: 2017-Nov-28

      Referenced customer:


      Rudi Pieters Jan 9, 2018 This year we plan to centralize lookup list in Meridian Cloud (see idea 'Bring editing of tables and lookup lists to the web'). After this we will consider the improvement suggested here.

    • +1