Improve naming of "Meridian Enterprise server" and "Meridian Enterprise Server"

With the rebranding from "BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Server" to "Meridian Enterprise Server", there is going to be increased confusion with the existing name "Meridian Enterprise server" which referred to the Meridian EDM server.

I saw in the Meridian Enterprise Server (aka "BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Server") 2020 admin guide that the Meridian Enterprise server (aka "Meridian EDM server") was referred to as "Meridian Enterprise EDM server". Unfortunately, that hasn't been applied to other documentation yet.

This is a step in the right direction but the names are still far too similar and confusing. An even better step would be to rename Meridian Enterprise server (aka "Meridian EDM server") to simply "Meridian EDM server".

  • Aaron Swain
  • Jun 16 2021
  • Planned
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    • Admin
      Rudi Pieters commented
      June 16, 2021 08:16

      The EDM Service and Enterprise Service are different, they are the backend for resp. PowerWeb and Explorer.
      But I agree they can be described better, also considering that we will be adding a 'Meridian Document Content Service' to support full-text search (this has become necessary due to security changes in Windows Server 2019).