Make connection to Enterprise server per Meridian vault possible again in Configurator

Until Meridian 2016 you had the option to set the Enterprise server url per Meridian vault. Starting Meridian 2017 you can only setup the connection to the Enterprise server per Meridian EDM service. What if you have multiple Explorer/Servers you want to connect to?

Please see the attachment.
  • Ronald Kock
  • Mar 19 2019
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Ronald Kock commented
      April 28, 2020 09:48

      An update on this wish,

      We see this behaviour once you import a MET file of a test vault (to the prodcution vault) of a different server with a different explorer server: The explorer/publisher connection URL is copied of the test vault to the production vault and from here you are unable to fix this.

      using the file you can correct this manually. However this is not what we want (and Accruent neither) ! Having the option back in the Configurator to fix this will be very helpfull.

    • Chris Tsangarides commented
      September 13, 2019 18:18

      Thank you again for the suggestion for the extra information.

      The scenario of connecting multiple Explorers to a single Meridian vault can be done with the current configuration options. For example, multiple Explorers may be defined on one Enterprise Server. Also, the same Meridian vault may be registered on different Enterprise Servers.

      Can you let me know if this approach would accomplish the task?

      If not, can you explain a little about the scenario or use case or architecture that this request is addressing?

      Chris Tsangarides
      Product Manager

    • Chris Tsangarides commented
      March 22, 2019 17:34

      Legacy ID: MER-I-44

      Idea created at: 2018-Mar-09

      Referenced customer:


      Rudi Pieters Mar 12, 2018 Hi Ronald, what is the scenario in which you need different Enterprise Servers per Meridian Vault? Note that you can still have an Explorer Repository per Vault.

      Aaron Swain Jun 11, 2018 Hi Rudi, I think this request is similar to what we've encountered recently at a large customer site which resulted in a significant issue during upgrade from M2016 to M2017. Our BlueCielo support contact has raised a ticket internally to request the return of the functionality that was present in M2016, rather than the new functionality that was implemented in M2017. I can send you the ticket number if you'd like more details on how this affected us and our customer.

    • +3