PDFTRON - When searching for text, viewer needs to zoom to location of found text


When searching for text in renditions in the PDFTRON viewer, if the drawing is zoomed out full page, which is the default when viewing, and a user searches for text, it can be very difficult to see the highlighted text, especially in a drawing with a lot of text.

Can the viewer, zoom to the location of the found text, as well as highlighting it?



  • Brendan Greene
  • Feb 16 2021
  • Will not implement
  • Attach files
  • Brendan Greene commented
    February 19, 2021 16:28

    Hi Coen,

    Yes I realise the user can zoom first, and then search. However I don't think this is very intuitive, especially for infrequent users, and not what current AutoVue users are used to.



  • Admin
    Coen Vromans commented
    February 19, 2021 16:22

    Hi Brendan,

    I analyzed your comments and the default zoom mode is indeed full page. However if you zoom-in on the document it will keep the zoom limits, also when you search for a specific text. For documents with a lot of text the best way of working is to first zoom-in unitl you can read the text and then start searching for a specific word or text in the document. The viewer automatically highlight the text. You can also move and center to the next word in the document and it will center and hightlight the word again. See attached example.

