Prevent putting a part or assembly under change when related drawings or assemblies are in a released state

In Meridian it's not possible to release a drawing or assembly when referenced parts or sub-assemblies are "under change", but...
When you put a part or subassembly under change there is no check if drawings and assemblies related to it are in a "Under change" status. This way it's possible to change a released drawing or assembly by changing the referenced parts (without changing the status to "under change").
Maybe there are performance implications, but I think the same counts for very large assemblies.
Give us an option to prevent putting a part or assembly under change when related drawings or assemblies are in a released state.
  • Hans van Koelen
  • Mar 19 2019
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Chris Tsangarides commented
    March 25, 2019 14:13

    Legacy ID: MER-I-212

    Idea created at: 2018-Dec-12

    Referenced customer:


    Rudi Pieters Jan 8, 2019 Do I understand correctly that, when changing a component, you want to enforce that all assemblies that are using it are under change? I don't think customers would always want this and even if so, would want some control over the workflow used. E.g. all assemblies using the changed component are set to a 'verify' state to determine if e.g. a new rendition is required. I've heard requirements like this from FDA customers. Would this go in the right direction?

  • +1