Drag&Drop file from PWC to CAD-Application

as a user I would like to drag&drop document from PWC to CAD-Application.

Could be a DWG to launch or insert an part into an assembly (Inventor)

  • Daniel Hunziker
  • Apr 21 2020
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    5 Jun, 2020 05:32am

    as a user I would like to drag&drop document from PWC to CAD-Application.

    Could be a DWG to launch or insert an part into an assembly (Inventor)

  • Daniel Hunziker commented
    24 Apr, 2020 06:16pm

    User is working in a assembly (Inventor, Solidworks) now he is used to drag&drop parts from PUC directly into his assembly, it is faster then opening a dialog switching to Meridian searching the document and open it. So should be checked if this is possible using the PWC.

  • Admin
    David Scarbrough commented
    24 Apr, 2020 02:39pm

    Could you please provide additional details and context as to why this is a need.

  • Admin
    David Scarbrough commented
    24 Apr, 2020 02:36pm

    Need to evaluate if this is technically feasible.