Allow to download Document and References into a defined folder for (Edge and Chrome)

Customer would benefit it they would be able to download not only the document to a defined folder but also the references. For now it is only possible to download the document with references to the local workspace. Additionally this should be possible for Edge and Chrome since most of the customer are switching to Chrome and Edge.

  • Paul Hiles
  • Aug 6 2020
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Pierre Riegert commented
      May 17, 2021 13:55

      Yes. It should be possible to download multiple selected documents to a folder as a zip file, optionally including references. A command for native files, another for renditions. Package feature is not a option if specific licenses are needed.

    • Jeremy Laurin commented
      August 24, 2020 21:16

      perhaps using the package feature to gather the xref into one location will help.

      editing a file with xref in different folders is fine, but if you are not a power user (explorer) and are just casually viewing files, or sending files around.. its helpful to rely on the default "reference in the same folder" default in autocad or microstation so that viewers can still look at a drawing properly in native cad.