Error For Multiple Files Should Include Details Available For Single Files

When attempting to update the rendition for the single failed document by itself, Meridian will explain why this failed:
Select mulitple .dwg files to update rendition and select Update Rendition
For this test: (in KingCounty:\Projects\Capital Projects\TEST-SHTSET3)
 19-XXXXXXXXX Facility Project Name.dst
The error messages when multiple files are selected for an action should provide as much information as the error messages when only one document is selected for an action
rendition failed - mulitple dwg files failed.png
Users are only presented with cryptic "BlueCielo AMEDMUI component failed to execute Update Rendition command" message when mulitple documents are selected for an action and one fails because it is locked.
Users are presented with an explanation for why the component failed to execute when only one document is selected for the action:
explanation for failed rendition when only one document is selected.png
  • Jaime Schatz
  • Jan 28 2020
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload