Enable admins to adjust the XOD file resolution level of PDFtron

PDFtron has the capacity to display documents and renditions at different resolutions. BC-Explorer currently has a default low-resolution value. I am requesting the capacity for a local admin to change the default resolution to match the bandwidth capabilities and viewing requirements of their organization.

  • Ray Garrett
  • Jul 26 2019
  • Planned
  • Attach files
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    • Chris Tsangarides commented
      September 13, 2019 17:59

      Thank you again for the suggestion and additional comments.

      This idea is being considered for a future release of Meridian. Stay tuned for updates.

      Chris Tsangarides
      Product Manager

    • Ray Garrett commented
      September 06, 2019 13:35

      Hi Chris,


      We had already enabled the editing of rendition properties you described in your post and found that it did not work. This was verified by our integrator Hagerman, but this is not the point of the suggestion.

      My understanding of your instructions is supposed to change the XOD resolution on individual files. What I am suggesting and asking for is the capability to make a global change for all documents. Our integrator, Hagerman, has informed us that this is not currently possible. 

      Thank you,

    • Chris Tsangarides commented
      August 15, 2019 03:26

      Thank you for your suggestion.

      Currently, Meridian offers an option in the Power client to specify the resolution quality of the PDF rendition. These settings are used to generate the PDF rendition which is displayed in the Explorer client. See the "Editing the rendition properties" section of the User's Guide:


      Also, these settings should be synchronized to the Publisher job as described in the "Configuring a vault for Accruent Publisher" section of the Admin Guide. Note the following link requires a logon.


      Let me know if this helps answer the question.

      Chris Tsangarides
      Product Manager