Better control of Explorer comments from VBScript.

The only available functions related to comments are provided by the AIMS events:

  • AIMS_AddComment

  • AIMS_DeleteComment

  • AIMS_CloseComment

It would be nice to have a command to manage the comments from VBScript.

By example, having new methods for documents to access the following information:

  • Number of openned comments (in a given Explorer Ropository, of a given type, from a given user)

  • Total number of comments

  • Access individual comments (text, Type, user, date, status)

  • This would really help to control the change requests.

It shouldn't be very difficult: All these information are available in the "dbo.DocumentComment" table of the repository database.


Pierre Riegert

  • Pierre Riegert
  • Jun 19 2020
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Jeremy Laurin commented
      August 24, 2020 21:10

      seconded. it would also be great to be able to "search" comments or filter by comment date, or various metadata, and also identify comments by "age" and clear them off after a certain time period. the comment feature is great but has potential to be much more useful. a way to "tag" comments with a sort of label can help filter what the comment is for (ie engineering fix, drawing typo correction, some workflow task, etc) so that the end user of the comment can properly action in power web and get appropriate notification or can sort and find such comments easily. Right now the comments are just a big pile of unsorted items that are difficult to make use of.