Change PowerWeb client upload to bypass IIS limitations

Customers are limited to importing files <2 GB size via PowerWeb client due to IIS' limitations. We have some customers who need to import >4 GB files and will be stuck using old Meridian version so they can use PowerUser client.

Please change the upload technology to bypass IIS limitations.

  • Aaron Swain
  • Oct 13 2020
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Don Hodges commented
      November 05, 2020 13:58


      I do not believe you can put files larger than 4GB in Meridian. You will likely receive an error upon import that says it is unable to perform requested operation.

      You can test this out on your own by creating a test 4gb file using the following command in a command prompt, then dragging into the PowerUser:

      fsutil file createnew testfile4gb.txt 4294967296