Display more project documents without popup

When opening a project with more than 300 documents, a popup window opens (see attached) asking if we really want to open it. It takes more time to acknowledge the message than it does to open the project folder. The user (or organization) should be able to set the threshold for when to open this popup window. 300 documents is too low, especially when this is happening on a relatively small project for our system.

  • Brian Lindsay
  • Dec 9 2022
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Admin
      Rudi Pieters commented
      January 18, 2023 08:14

      This is controlled by the setting ItemsPerCall, see the documentation here. This is a setting that is stored in the PowerWeb user profiles and therefore cannot be set centrally. Only the default for new user can be set.

      This KB article describes a tool to set the value for existing user. The sample code has an error preventing from ItemsPerCall to be set. This has been fixed and the KB article will be updated. In the meantime, you can download the update sample here.