Download of native source or rendition as separate menu button in Explorer

Download of native source or rendition as separate menu button in explorer would be useful.


We have different user groups, some that prefer PDF some that prefer to look at native file (ie for CAD viewer measurements that are currently not possible in PDFtron deployment)

I can only setup default download for one it seems, and a bulk download of the other will require clicking through each file individually to the 'content' page.  this is very inefficient.


Further complicating this suggestion....  it seems that the view default to rendition has some conflict with the explorer vault security settings, such that if view default to rendition is set and "view source" in security is set to 'on'   then the source is downloaded by default.  that is very unexpected behavior. (another bug?)



  • Jeremy Laurin
  • Dec 24 2019
  • Planned
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Admin
      Rudi Pieters commented
      January 08, 2020 08:51

      Indeed a bug, this is fixed in Meridian 2020 which will be related this month.